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Perfect coffee & cappuccino

Secrets of espresso

Italian espresso has cream with a hazelnut colour, tending to dark brown and distinct from tawny reflexes. This cream has a very fine texture, with an absence of large mesh and larger or smaller bubbles. There is an intense aroma with hints of flowers, fruit, toast and chocolate, all feelings that are sensed even after swallowing. This aroma lasts for tens of seconds, sometimes minutes. The taste is round, firm and smooth; sour and bitter are balanced without any prevalence of one over the other with little to no sharpness. It is essential to start with a suitable blend, processed by a proper grinder and a proper coffee machine with some important parameters: 


- Roasting Grade: Medium to Dark

- Single dosage: 7 gr

- Tamping Pressure: 35-40 Lbs

- Water temperature of coffee group: 92°C

- Water pressure: 9-12 bar

- Millilitres per cup (including crema): 25 ml

- Extration time: 25"

- Temperature of beverage in the cup: 67° 

- Cup temperature: 40°C 
